Monday, November 3, 2008

Pop Culture Politics

While in Ohio this weekend Obama said:
When it comes to the economy – when it comes to the central issue of this election – the plain truth is that John McCain has stood with this President every step of the way,” he said. “He hasn’t been a maverick, he’s been a sidekick. He’s like Kato to the Green Lantern. Ya’ll remember that, those of you who are over a certain age.
(Emphasis mine.)

As the article states, "Kato was the Green Hornet’s sidekick, not the Green Lantern’s." (Emphasis still mine.)

The thing is, Kato (especially when played by Bruce Lee) is a totally bad-ass martial arts master who not only drives the car, but regularly beats the crap out of the bad guys while Green Hornet solves mysteries.

Green Lantern sidekicks, on the other hand, are useless. In the '40s there was Doiby Dickles, who drove a taxi around and "helped" a guy with a magic ring. In the '60s came a guy named Tom Kalmaku, quaintly referred to as "Pieface" because he was an Eskimo; he repaired planes and really wanted to be like Jimmy Olsen.

Now, which sidekick do you think McCain is more like?

1 comment:

Elex said...

We were talking about the Green Hornet and Kato on Friday.

I think he looks like Clayface.