Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Justice Scalia Thinks People on TV Should Always Say 'Please' and 'Thank You'

High Court Conservatives Favor Indecency Rule
Scalia said he understood that foul words would be heard at a football or baseball game. "You don't have to have them presented as something that is normal in polite company, which is what happens when it comes out in television shows," he told a lawyer for the broadcast networks.
I'm not against the ruling. I am against the reasoning behind the ruling. I don't want those old robes to be culture cops. I also think the fine is a little extreme.

1 comment:

heels said...

That fine is WAY extreme.

I don't especially want to hear expletives on tv shows I could be watching with Cole, but it's not a big deal, either. Frankly, I think we have a lot of other, more important things to worry about concerning television content than "foul" language.

Use hearing things that you don't like as an opportunity to educate your children on why you don't like those things. How can they learn what not to do if they're sheltered?