Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Classy Concession

Wow. I never thought I'd say it, but McCain's concession speech gave me chills and made me choke up, it was so good. Way to come back to classy, McCain. I wasn't sure you had it in you.


otis said...

the crowd was munching on some sour grapes though

Elex said...

Obviously, race was a very significant deal last night, but I thought that maybe McCain spoke on it a bit too long. There was the risk it could be interpreted as "He won because he's black."

Yeah, and the sour grapes mob.

But it was an excellent concession.

Right before he came on to give his speech, NBC said Sarah Palin "would not be speaking" the way they said "not be" in that phrase was very funny at the time. I don't know how to say it the way she did, but I'll try a couple times.