Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Fan Fiction, Frightening

Nearly every Friday, over at Topless Robot, they dive into the, often, horrifying world of Fan Fiction.

Yeah, a lot of it is terrible, terrible slash, but there are the occasional odd ball gems, like Goku and Anne Frank in "Until the End of Time". No graphic sex and a happy ending.


otis said...

"Wanna read my fan fiction?"

5 scariest words in the English language.

ticknart said...

I actually enjoy fan fiction, to a point. (I tend to skim a lot of the stories.) It's odd what people desire out of their favorite characters. Or the characters they mix, like the ones in this post. And the spelling/grammar in many of them make them hilarious.

Example: There's a slash Harry Potter where people keep getting "organisms" during sex. Which is yucky and funny.