Friday, January 30, 2009

We interupt this article to present my personal craziness

Check out the diatribe just past the Literature section. See it before it gets edited out!

Edit: It got edited out.

Here's the version with the persuasive essay:

I am now a cannibal.


heels said...

Hot Damn. There's something utterly fantastic in the insanity of that. It's a piece of art.

"You must look within to see the cannibal beauty of your inner Tooth; and be one with all meat creatures."

Elex said...

I know, it's so long!

ticknart said...


"No matter how you slice it, eating is beautiful. Even if it is you who is the dinner."


heels said...

There's so much there- it's hard to pick a favorite quote!

Elex said...

Oh, someone fixed it. :(
I think you can see older versions.

Elex said...

This is helpful:

"The cause of problems is your own mind. All problems come from your own mind. When you stop the thought of disliking problems and establish the thought of liking them, your problems appear as beneficial, wonderful things. Especially if those problems are other people, you will develop a method of eating those people without being detected in a society that denies cannibalism. "