Monday, December 8, 2008

Searching for "God"

...shows you how popular a Google search query is in each U.S. state, giving a ranking like the one you see in the left column. It then compares this ranking with other ways of ranking states, like average income or population density, using Spearman's rank correlation.
For instance, here are the states by popularity of searching for "God".

And here are the correlations:

MetricCorrelation with God
Obesity0.84 (Positive, strong)
InfantMortality0.65 (Positive, moderate)
EnergyConsumption0.51 (Positive, moderate)
VotedForBush0.47 (Positive, moderate)
Illiteracy0.41 (Positive, moderate)
Rainfall0.39 (Positive, weak)
ViolentCrime0.33 (Positive, weak)
Unemployment0.33 (Positive, weak)
Suicide0.08 (Positive, very weak)
Area0.07 (Positive, very weak)
PercentElderly0.06 (Positive, very weak)
Density0.04 (Positive, very weak)
Longitude-0.02 (Negative, very weak)
Age-0.21 (Negative, weak)
LifeExpectancy-0.33 (Negative, weak)
SameSexCouples-0.38 (Negative, weak)
Latitude-0.45 (Negative, moderate)
Frost-0.48 (Negative, moderate)
VotedForObama-0.51 (Negative, moderate)
Income-0.55 (Negative, moderate)
HighSchoolGrad-0.67 (Negative, moderate)



ticknart said...

Using Google to search for "God" is hi-larious!

otis said...

I'm Feeling Lucky!